
Mugabe Wins Presidency; Tsvangirai Unhappy

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has declared Zanu-Pf’s Robert Mugabe as the winner of the harmonised elections held on 31 July.

Mugabe garnered 61% of votes ahead of bitter rival Morgan Tsvangirai of the MDC-T’s 33%.

Tsvangirai has said that he will not legitimise the result and will not take part in any government  institutions and will go to court to fight the result.

In a press conference which was attended by a whole host of western diplomats Tsvangirai pretty much threw the toys out of the pram.

Zanu-Pf chief election agent Emmerson Mnangagwa says Zanu-Pf can do without MDC-T in the government.

Meanwhile, Zanu-pf achieved over 150 of 210 of the parliamentary seats – giving them a two-thirds majority to give them the mandate to create the next government.

So there you have it…

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