
Mugabe Tells Chiyangwa To Stop Showing Off

President Robert Mugabe yesterday reportedly told losing Chinhoyi House of Assembly candidate for Zanu-Pf Philip Chiyangwa to stop showing off with his money.

The president  was quoted as saying of the flamboyant businessman:

Ngaagare pasi. Timuratidze kuti aiwa kana uchienda kuvanhu hauvhaire kuti ndine zvakati. Be down (to earth) Mari handiyo inoshanda all the time.

Handisati ndamuwona kuti ndimuseke kuti nhai Gushungo, in all Mashonaland West Province Gushungo ndivo vakati mbombombo. Zvino ndakanzwa VaChombo vachiti zuva iroro, vakarara nebhutsu.

Chiyangwa is known about town for showing off his wealth, wearing it as something of a badge of honour. Patently Zimbabweans are known to be turned off by people they see as show-offs.

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