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Tumi Morake Delivers At A Rip-Roaring #Shoko13 Comedy Night

As I wrote this article last night after the rip-roaring Shoko Comedy Night, my cheeks were literally hurting from all the laughter.

I laughed so hard that if a joke were to be cracked right there and  then, I could not have mustered a  laugh, even if I had a gun pointed to my head! Not for want of humour mind you, no. I just could not take anymore. Yes we wanted fireworks, but a human being can only take so much!

Clive Chigubu MC’ed the show. Totally loved the guy, although he looked like he was high on something. He was having a ball! I guess he figured he was going to have the time of his life whether we decided to join him or not; in which case, he probably did not even care what we decided to do. That is just how animated he was.

Zambezi News Live was up first and they got me laughing before they even started saying anything. Simba The Comic King came up next, then Carl Joshua Ncube and after that was Kagiso and finally, it was Tumi Morake’s turn. With reckless abandon, she got us doubling over in fits of laughter.

Epic quotes:

So people were going on and on about the donkey meat in our beef. Yes women can complain, but men. No. they should not even say a word because they always saying they wanna eat ass, now the ass is here – CHOW!”

Lol, laughing for days!

Ladies don’t you just love the wonder bras. When you got them on, you are like Iraq – you got weapons of mass destruction! But when the guy removes the wonder bra, he like haaaa braa, you like America – you now the twin towers.

Lolst! That is Tumi Morake for you!

A definite shout out to Magamba. I had a great time last night. The setting was just beautiful. People scattered about at Waterwhirld – some seated, some standing, all of us under the stars and the comics killing us – nice.

But Zimbabweans will be  Zimbabweans, regardless. There we were at a comedy night, where for you to actually say you had a great time afterwards you ought to have been listening! But some of our fellow comrades at the back were talking as if they were at a contest of “so you think you are the loudest?” Unbelievable!

Over and above, it was a great show. Thoroughly enjoyed it and so cannot wait for the Poetry Slam at Book Cafe tonight!

Shoko Festival runs until 22 September.

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Written by Shanee R Banda

Zimbabwe Handed Tricky CHAN Draw

Hashtags And Freedom: Women + New Media @ #Shoko13