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Former deputy Minister Mukupe convicted

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Former Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Development Terrence Mukupe
together with 3 others have been convicted of importing 138 979 litres of diesel without paying duty, the National Prosecuting Authority has said.

“The State proved that on the 27* of January 2017 at Forbes Boarder Post in Mutare, Terrence Mukupe, Same Kapisoriso, Joseph Taderera and Leonard Mudzuto connived to unlawfully import diesel without paying duty.

“The accused persons misrepresented that the diesel was going to be offloaded in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

“Pursuant to their plan, they replaced the diesel with water in Zimbabwe. The matter came to light on the 30 of January 2017 when officials from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) intercepted them at Chirundu OneStop Boarder Post to verify the nature of the goods they were carrying.

“In so doing the accused persons prejudiced the State of revenue amounting to USD$55 591-60,” the Authority concluded.

They are now in custody until  9th of November 2023 at the Harare High Court.

At the time of the accusations coming to light, Mukupe insisted he was acting as an agent on behalf of a client who owned the fuel.

Mukupe served as a Minister in 2017 until 2018.

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