
A couple of players reportedly want to quit the Warriors, but that is not the answer

In the heat of the moment people make really hectic decisions.

The world’s greatest footballer Lionel Messi (no we are not going to have teh Ronaldo argument) has quit international football twice after losing finals. And yet, this Wednesday morning he takes on Brazil leading his Argentina side in the semi-final of the Copa America 2019.

Nyasha Mushekwi has said he is done with international football. That was expected so that is probably not an emotional decision.

The news that captain Knowledge Musona at 29 is also thinking about his future is quite frankly a bit silly. That is a cop-out and a refusal to man-up to disappointment and be part of the solution.

The current group of players, the core and many of them do still have a tournament or two in them. There isn’t a whole bunch of soccer players ready to take the mantle and going full-blown junior policy will be a disaster given the experience that other teams retain in their side.

Right now is the time for cool heads. A proper report must be carried out and both players with the administration should take responsibility in the debacle.

That we had players tweeting the night before the match or going on Instagram live during the tournament, while a side-eye to the management, also raises a lot of questions about how seriously the players took this tournament. At their clubs, they wouldn’t be caught dead faffing around, especially during the match day.

Then there was the fight over a female journalist. That should have had someone or the other kicked out of camp.

Playing for your country is the highest honour and the other teams are clearly clued up about this. They went to war in every single match to defend the honour of their kinsmen and kinswomen back home, cheering them from mostly pubs because there was no electricity or the local broadcaster did not have the match. It is for them and your career opportunities going forward, that you do it.

As for the administration, the less said about you the better. They have loads of explaining to do. That is because CAF are probably happy that Zimbabwe has left the tournament after the consistent bad headlines our country was giving the tournament.

Cool heads for now though. Very cool heads. The coach going forward, whether it is Sunday Chidzambwa or anyone else, should have his resources fully available to him.

And as for Khama. You’re not going anywhere fella. Without you, we’d be boiled spine.

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