
Whoa… Lumumba just F-bombed Mugabe

Controversial politician politician Aice Lumumba has caused drama after f-bombed president Robert Mugabe at a press conference to announce the upcoming launch of his party, Viva Zimbabwe.

In a speech that lasted about an hour Lumumba admitted to being corrupt as  a member of the ruling party and wished them well.

The dramatic moment happened when he f-bombed his former boss, after which a momentarily grave silence descended on the room punctuated by applause from sections of the audience. The News Day twitter account captured it as below:

It’s dramatic times for Zimbabwe politics. But this, surely, is strange waters for anyone and no matter how angry one gets, it’s odd language to use.

Mob psychology is dangerous.

Click here to listen to the moment Acie Lumumba f-bombed Pres Mugabe

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    AUDIO: The moment Acie Lumumba F-bombed President Mugabe