Larry Kwirirayi – Imagineer

Larry Kwirirayi is a lot of things to many people. He speaks in the language of ideas and lives by inspiration.

In that inspiration there always needs to be a sense of purpose and definition.

Larry writes, performs, thinks and lives. The wide range of projects he has lent his hand to is a testament of his versatility. What helps him to express himself in such a diverse manner is his insatiable appetite for knowledge. With that knowledge then seeks wisdom. And in that wisdom sincerity is born.

Better yet, some would call Larry insane!

P.J – Bean Counter

I’m the Bean Counter and I have often surprised people with my perspective on life which is often considered extraordinary. I find this a compliment because I view being defined “normal” a subjective label based on the opinion of the observer.

In fact I think normal is just another way of saying most, and I if I can help it I will continue being unique. I also think my twisted view of life and humanity is one of my greatest strengths as a writer because I am able to present my thoughts and feelings in very  interesting ways. One of the highlights of my life was taking a philosophy class in university after that class; I never looked at the world with the same pair of eyes.

The experiences I have had with writing this blog mirror various aspects of my personality, values and self-identity. It really has been an emotional and mental journey. My perfect day is when I can sit in the sunshine and read a good book.

I love to cook.

Ancillar Dee –  Social Butterfly Creator 

Anci, weirdly just called Anci , naturally tried to change her name upon turning 18 (but keeps forgetting).Is a  fanatical book lover with no reading prejudices and a wide range of genre loves ,but her heart will always skip a beat for romance . She is open-minded about everything, but intolerant to spinach, newspapers even though its nerdy and writing even in pajamas