
City Of Harare Slashes Fixed Water Charges And Market Fees

Harare City Council has slashed market fees and fixed water charges in the proposed 2014 budget.

In other areas the city has maintained the 2013 tariff charges and has incentivised residents whose accounts were paid up prior to the Government directive to write off arrears on residential bills.

Market fees for Mupedzanhamo Fleamarket (A) were reduced from US$80 to S$60, B section from US$65 to US$45, Mupedzahamo curios stand from US$25 to US$15, Mbare wholesale market from US$35 to US$25 and the Mbare old wholesale market from US$30 to US$20.

Fixed water charges for high density areas have been slashed by US$1 to US$4 while that for low density suburbs was reduced by US$2 to US$9.

Each sewer fitment now attracts US$4 down from US$5. This means that a house in the high density areas with two toilets attracts a sewer charge of US$8. For low density suburbs the charge per fitment is US$9 down from US$11.

Fixed water charges for the commercial sector are now pegged at US$50 down from US$80.

Source: City Of Harare website

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