
Big Brother Africa Jostling Unbelievable!

Big Brother Africa auditions are taking place in Harare this weekend and a few people have already gone on public record that they would like to get some of that action.

OFFICIAL bb-africa-logo

So we have people like Ba Shupi have gone all out to get look-in on the whole Big Brother game and have campaigned hard to be captive for 90 days while we watch. He’s already tried twice.  He really wants it.Maybe they should give it to him although we wonder what his Tezvara will think when they find out he isn’t really a shark(y) when they see him naked on TV. OK not funny but good luck to him.

Lady Squanda has been at it again  and the gents here are casting no vote for her simply because there are other people who we’d rather see naked.

The folks from Bulawayo are up in arms saying Big Brother Africa always chooses people from Harare. Well besides Maneta and her sister. Does anyone remember her sister’s name? We can wait…. Erm… Teclah! That’s the one.

Pokello made waves after time last year
Pokello made waves after time last year

Others have been a little bit more subtle.

Anyway what has made this BBA sojourn lucrative is not just the money but the fact that Africa pretends to give a damn about you for 90 days and some change. Assuming of course you make the whole thing.

We are pretty happy for anyone to go onto Big Brother for whatever reason but there are a few things you have to keep in mind.

Africa is watching you. The Internet never forgets. Anything you do in there could make you or break you. And, whatever you do on there will be remembered forever. As in, if someone googles your name, it will come up.

And most importantly, when you are out, unless you have a plan, we will forget you. Like proper forget you. Like on the actual.

Just saying.

Quick side-note. Some people claim that contestants have already been kinda identified so this jostling could be a whole lot of noise for nothing. Other people say that statement is what bulls pass.

Big Brother Africa auditions are at Miekles Hotel on 11 and 12 and 13 July. The show kicks off in early September.

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