
So we had a problem earlier with our site and here is why.

Most of our readers will have experienced intermittent access to our site particularly yesterday and today (Wednesday).

PIC: Margherita J. L. Lisonl – Thank You

It wasn’t you. It was us.

In a quest to make sure we give you the best experience on we made some changes. Unfortunately, coding never quite behaves the way you want it to, all the time and in doing so we broke something.

That meant us having pretty dope conversations with our host, who kindly assisted us with the issue and has us up and running again.

What we have done so far is to make sure the site is accessible as normal. There are still a few issues that will need to be addressed but we have taken a few measures to make sure you have as little interruption in accessing our site as possible.

Your patience is appreciated and we do not for one second take any click to read what we write for granted.

For this we are thankful.

By chief: Larry Kwirirayi

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