
We didn’t say SA bought the World Cup – Fifa PR machine kicks in

Fifa has done a bit of a Tsvangirai saying it never accused South Africa of paying a USD10 million bribe to win the right to host the 2010 World Cup.

It now says:

The US indictments do not allege that South Africa “bought” the World Cup with bribes. Nor does FIFA. The US indictments, which FIFA is relying upon in its restitution request, merely accuse certain individuals of criminal behaviour.

FIFA’s Request for Restitution is based on the allegations contained in the two indictments issued by the US Department of Justice against 41 defendants. In its submission, FIFA is restating these allegations as the principal basis for its restitution request.

So in essence is it saying that it is not accusing South Africa of giving money to criminals or what? Because one doesn’t have to be the brightest bulb in the building to realise that accusing South Africa of bribery would mean every single World Cup in which a host gave money to anyone including our uncle in Mutorashanga could be accused of bribery, if said uncle went and used the money to get a second wife.

Fifa says it merely demanding that money come back… Erm the money that was… errr…

You see how this doesn’t make sense?

Who gets thrown under the bus now? SAFA?

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