
Fifa has gotten this wrong, but we will be back after reform – SRC digs in after suspension

The Sport and Recreation Commission has dug in after Fifa suspended Zimbabwe’s membership on Thursday.

It released statement on Thursday.

“Correspondence from FIFA, dated the 24th instant, addressed to the suspended ZIFA General
Secretary purporting to suspend the Country’s national football association as a member of the
FIFA ‘family’ is noted,” the Commission said in a statement.

“In essence, it appears that FIFA is constrained by the provisions of its own statutes to protect
certain of the undoubted sexual predators, fraudsters and corrupt administrators at the helm of football administration in Zimbabwe.

All this in the name of shielding ZIFA from, to quote FIFA in its letter “… undue interference from a
third party”.

“It is a fact that some of these administrators are facing, inter alia, charges of sexual harassment,
bribery, fraud and general corruption before Zimbabwe’s Courts. FIFA has the full details of these matters.

“It is clear that FIFA has interpreted these very serious charges as ‘mere allegations’, notwithstanding its “…zero tolerance policy towards corruption, sexual abuse and any other unethical

“Both FIFA and CAF are fully aware of an insidious culture of sexual harassment perpetrated
against female football referees in Zimbabwe.

“For the eighteen months lapsed since these allegations were brought to their respective attention, neither body has initiated any tangible investigation focused on culprits whose names
are known to them.

“The instances of fraud and corruption within the corridors of ZIFA have also been brought to the
attention of FIFA, who have placed on record their extreme reluctance to involve themselves in
remedying this deplorable state of affairs.

“The SRC has a documented and demonstrable “zero tolerance policy towards corruption, sexual
abuse and any other unethical conduct” in the administration of sport in Zimbabwe. It does not pay mere lip service to the same.

“We, at the SRC, act decisively within the confines of the laws of Zimbabwe, in particular the
Sports & Recreation Commission Act as well as the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act.

“FIFA recognizes ZIFA as the sole governing body for football administration in Zimbabwe by
virtue of its registration with the SRC. It is on this basis that it is admitted as a member of the “FIFA Family” by FIFA.

“The SRC will hold a press conference with the media on Monday, 28th February, 2022, at a time
to be advised, in order to render more fully its views on the correspondence from FIFA, and
more importantly, to advise Zimbabweans of its road map on football and ZIFA for the duration
of 2022 It suffices to quote, for the time being, a perceptive message received from CAF President,
Patrice Motsepe: – “…We remain committed to finding a solution that respects the sovereignty and legal issues that you raised and is in accordance with the statutes and regulations of FIFA and CAF…”

“Pending any such compromise, the ZIFA Executive Committee and the General Secretary shall
remain suspended. The various matters pending before the Courts in Zimbabwe shall continue
as shall the criminal proceedings and all other actions focused on restructuring football in our

“Domestic football will continue in Zimbabwe. It will be supported fully by the SRC, as has been
the demonstrable case thus far. ZIFA will return to the “FIFA Family” when it is in a condition fit to do so.”

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