
4 worrying signs your partner may be contemplating suicide

frustrated ethnic man in casual wear on blue background in studio
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

One of the scariest things a person can imagine is when a partner takes their own life.

And often the question the survivor asks is if there were signs that were there, which could have been useful for intervention.

We have a few we want to share.

Just note that these are not comprehensive, nor are they necessary conclusive in determining if one is suicidal.

Here we go:

1. They suddenly get organised and put their affairs in order

This is a big red flag. Often one someone decides to start paying off debts, get rid of prized possessions (often giving them away to friends and family), and cleaning up a lot of their clutter. Often that means they do not want to leave anything behind unattended to. Sure they will say sometimes that it is simply a change in habits. But when the change is drastic, get help.

2. Their drinking and eating habits change

Whether it is alcohol binges, drug-taking, appetite increases or decreases, there is something going on. They are failing to confront some darkness within themselves and will numb it all with activity which changes their relationship with the body. They don’t find enjoyment in these habits but they carry on. It is a worry.

3. They suddenly feel the need to reconnect with everyone from the past

It is almost as if they want to go on a goodbye tour.

4. They verbalise that they wish they were dead

Often this is dire. They often say they think the world would be a better place without them. They wish they were dead and nothing is worth living for. There is a risk they will end up doing what we’d rather they didn’t.

If you see any of these signs, please get help. And in this we mean professional help. Be supportive of them during this period,

Don’t be afraid of asking, “Are you feeling suicidal?” Asking helps you get information on how to help them.

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