
#WorldKindnessDay: Here are 8 things you can do today

Friday 13 November 2020 marks World Kindness Day.

white printer paper with be kind text on plants
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

It is a day that has been observed since 1998 and has been pushed by the World Kindness Movement.

In a world where it is become easy and even popular to be self-serving and as some say, savage. We live in a world that at least for the loudest among us, separates itself from others on the basis of ideology and in some instances race. Because of both sides feeling some sort of righteous indignation based on real or imagined circumstances, they then default to name-calling as well justifying unkind behaviour,

This day is observed every year on 13 November to encourage the values of humanity which can further help in building the world a better place. This day is dedicated to the act of kindness and doing good deeds as an individual or as an organization.

So here are some acts of kindness you can do today.

Be kind to yourself:
We live in a world where we are always on the rush and trying to be the best at something or the other. And when we fail we are upset with ourselves. What is worse, with remote working we might find we have very little time to do the things we love. Show yourself kindness, even if for 20 minutes. Call a friend and have a laugh. Read that book you have been staring at for months. Take a walk. And repeat daily.

Greet a stranger properly:
Often we live in spaces where we do not realky acknowledge the people around us. We simply greet or even give a cursory glance of acknowledgement to people because it is awkward or we have to. In isiNdebele, the greeting Sawubona, means ‘I see you, I acknowledge your presence’. Try greeting a stranger as if you see them. Make them feel human and valid. If it is possible to strike up a quick chat, go ahead.

Treat your loved ones:
Whether it is your lover, your children, parent, make kindness a family value by treating them. Have a long chat with them in person or over the phone. Let them tell you about their interests and be engaged. Cook them a meal. Take a walk. Play a silly sport with them in the backyard if you can. Have a family party. And at the end of the day say with a heartfelt smile, “Thank you for making my day.” And repeat often.

Thank your boss, teachers and other people:
In these tough times, it is easy to be mad at people. But if you remind yourself that people are living in the same world we all live in, it makes it better. Be kind to your boss, teacher or random people. Randomly thank your boss for whatever you feel they have done for you. Many people think of it is bootlicking but it is just kindness. They might sometimes feel like they are not doing enough for you. That feeling that they are appreciated helps. Send them a handwritten note even. That personal touch.

Talk to your neighbours and get involved:
In urban and affluent areas, one can live in an rea and not know their neighbour for years. As Covid-19 has shown us, we are social creatures. Visit a neighbour who you know might be struggling and leave them a plate of food or something. When others do something for you, don’t assume they know you appreciate it. Communicate. It could be through a note via email or handwritten and slid in their letterbox or email. And tell them you cherish what they do for you. And put a lot of thought into it. People feel genuine depths of gratitude.

There are many places that could do with volunteers in your community or under-priviledged ones. Go and be involved. And don’t do it for the selfies and the ‘Gram. Just be kind.

Buy from local restaurants and support small businesses
Businesses are going through a hard time right now and they need all the support. We have a lot of people who are selling vegetables and fruits as well as chickens for example from their urban homesteads. Support them. And that restaurant that 20km closer than your favourite, support them, even if once a week. Every little dollar helps. And be kind to them. Thank them for their service and get to know them on a personal level. And guys, at restaurants, leave a tip. And make it a habit.

Spread positivity on social media:
This one is hard. With the many hashtags to inspire your outrage it is even harder. But you have to make an effort, at least today and as often as you can after to speak from a position of positivity. We need to find a way to de-escalation. Try small things like being empathetic and non-judgemental. Learnt to use non-threatening words. Be tolerant and this one is key because the only ones you can be tolerant of, are the ones you conflict against. Focus on the feelings of the other person and find the fastest way to genuine peace. Ignore challenging questions. These are the types where a person challenges your authority. Focus on the issue. Set limits in that if you know that you will end up being unkind, disengage. You would rather not respond than be unkind. And repeat.

The theme for World Kindness Day 2020 is Be Kind

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