
FOUR tips for dating someone with different political beliefs from yours

Politics it is said is the great divider.

The idea that people who have different ideologies and follow contrasting political leaders is alien to many.

Given such a scenario though there are examples of many who have even married and had kids despite having different political beliefs. Maria Shriver a Democrat married former California Governor and Republican, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Kellyanne Conway, President Donald Trump’s senior advisor is married to George Conway, a big critic of the Republican leader.

There were even times when race was political and dating across the lines was seen as selling out on the struggle. This was often in extremist groups.

Now many including you reading this are probably moderates and not as tied to political belief as many. In effect, asking someone what party they support or something is not among the big questions you have for someone when you go on a date. On top of that, it is generally suggested you avoid political topics a when on dates.

So then, if you are to meet someone who rocks your socks but just has beliefs that you do not agree with, what do you do?

Here are some tips:

  1. Lay down the ground rules: There are things you can do. Have safe spaces where politics does not come up. For example, don’t scroll through Twitter at dinner. There could be certain times when the topic is off limits. Or you could decide it is off-limits altogether. There is nothing wrong with that. Your partner does not have to satisfy all your needs.
  2. If you should talk about politics remember this: Your partner is not the enemy. At the end of the day, they have your back and will take a bullet for you and kids if you have any. That means watching your tone and listening with intent. The debate can heated but letting your emotions loose on someone you love is not helpful. Maintain a level head.
  3. Be open-minded: Open-minded and politics is an oxymoron. But if you are OK with your partner going out on weekends and you don’t it is the same with politics. Accept that it is OK that your partner will not agree with you on certain things and they could be really important things. Perhaps the difference helps you work on perspective and understanding other people who are different. It is possible they could teach you certain things that you never thought about it.
  4. Learn to do certain things alone: When you need to go to rallies or have twars, you will need to know that you are doing if alone. Much like you have friends that are not mates with your partner, you can have this section of people you connect with on certain issues your lover can’t. In some ways it can make your relationship healthier as it allows you your individuality.

Of course all of this doesn’t matter if there are certain beliefs that you believe just can’t be overlooked. You will need to ask yourself what you can handle in a relationship and keep it moving from there.

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