
8 signs you are dating an evil person

frustrated ethnic man in casual wear on blue background in studio
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

As we always say here, Dating is really, really, like super-really hard.

We had to go there. There are all sorts of individuals you will meet, but the worst is an evil person.

Now we get it. Calling a person evil is a stretch. However, to define someone as good, you need the opposite. You know, the whole, there is no light without darkness, water without thirst, happiness without sadness and the sort.

So how do you tell that you are dealing with someone who is evil, maybe even a psychopath.

Let’s do a small dive into it, with eight signs. We would have gone with seven, but with the whole seven being a holy number, it was an ask we could not answer when talking about evil.

So here we go:

1. They delight in other people’s misfortune

The Germans call it, Schadenfreude and the French Malcontent. These are the types of people who find joy in other people’s suffering. If a person enjoys seeing others hurt, they have little empathy. It is one step away from having as little for you. And when moments are dark, they may look at you as deserving little positive consequence because of your circumstance.

2. They are habitually dishonest

This one falls under the radar a lot. When someone goes out of their way to pull the proverbial wool over someone’s eyes, it is a dark place to be. It even gets worse when you realise that they are even untruthful when there is no real incentive to do so. They do it because they can.

3. They are cruel

This can be to people or even animals. When they exhibit a propensity for exerting levels harshness that startle, they are not the kind of person you want to be around. Note that this could be a situation where you never bear the brunt, but goodness, do you want that around you? If yes, you might be point 1.

4. Their friends and family warn you

This one is a common one. Their closest and mostest could feel pity for you. And they say, look, we kinda have to love this person but you don’t have to. The tendency is to think that they don’t get him/her. The thing is, why would they lie to you, when they are the person’s greatest allies? Sure, you can make up reasons in your head, but think about it. Normally, they will do the most to make sure you never see the person’s flaws.

5. They aren’t really great friends

You realise that when they do something, there is an intended benefit for the evil person. It is never out of the goodness of their hearts. And you see them treating their friends that way. You are a moment away from the same treatment.

6. They are racist and bigoted

Need we say more?

7. They confuse and conflict

They manipulate you into becoming unsure of yourself. You double, triple or even quadruple guess yourself. They want to be your guiding light and use all forms of manipulation. They want to cause your distress and then appear to relieve it.

8. You feel weird around them

Now the least used asset of our human arsenal is the hunch. When people’s vibes leave you feeling some of type way, your gut feeling is screaming. Take a listen. Unless you come from a prejudiced position, evil people share their vibes with reckless abandon, because they do not care about your feelings.

Throw in sadistic and vindictive in there and it can get messy.

Now, to be clear, just because someone has one or two of the above, they may not necessarily be evil. But you need to be careful, because the capacity is there.

Share your thoughts in the commments below and tell us what kind of evil person you have met. And also via out social media accounts:

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