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Temperature checks pointless in coronavirus screening – US health expert

They have almost become standard wherever you go now.

woman wearing a face mask getting her temperature checked
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Contactless temperature checks are now the norm wherever you go in Zimbabwe but US White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci has said they should be abandoned as they are too inaccurate to be used to screen the disease.

He was speaking during a Facebook Live Event associated with Walter Reed Medical Center:

We have found at the NIH , that it is much, much better to just question people when they come in and save the time, because the temperatures are notoriously inaccurate, many times.

It’s the middle of the summer, we’ve had what … 15 days, 90 (32.2 Celsius) degrees in a row. “I went to the White House the other day. My temp was like 103 (39.4 Celsius) until I took it in the air-conditioned car, and then it was 97.4 (36.3 Celsius). When I tried to get into another facility, my temperature was 93 (33.8 Celsius), which means I probably should’ve been on a respirator.  So I think we’ve just got to abandon that, be prudent, ask questions, and do it that way.

Dr Faucis the Director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

In Zimbabwe, many have complained about temperature readings being all over the place. So there is some credence to the the argument that this might not be helping anyone at all. Except maybe to make the people who see it happening feel good.

Watch the whole presentation below:

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