
Nelson Chamisa Independence Day statement one of the most significant by an opposition leader

Nelson Chamisa

Citizens Coalition For Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has moved the dial forward in an interesting manner.

In a statement signed by the political party’s National Spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere, it said, “Independence Day belongs to us all as Zimbabwean citizens. For this reason, we encourage all citizens to participate in such important national processes and events without tainting them with partisan conduct. We do so for our country and for our collective being as a people.”

And then this:

Accordingly, we assert that we are going to be represented at all key national events. National events and state institutions are far greater than any political party or sectarian interests.

Why this is a big deal

The major opposition party has largely been characterised by boycotts of national events, in refusing to acknowledge the presidency. Zanu-PF leader and President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa, as recently as this week invited all political parties to the Independence celebrations.

CCC accepting this and saying it wants to be part of national events is a huge move as it makes it part of the fabric of the nation. They get seen less by their detractors as uninterested in national activities absent their quest for power. It also helps disentangle them from being labeled as proxies or external forces.

Critically, being on record as saying independence has already happened and is for everyone changes the narrative for some who have characterised the quest to dislodge Zanu-Pf as something of a liberation struggle.

Finally, it also means that national occasions, can be just that, national. They cease to become the pulpit of one party. They become the moment when the nation becomes one.

This simple act changes the conversation from violent attrition to different desires within a national conversation. It helps movement from enemy to opponent.

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