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Mugabe Tells Cops, ZIMRA, Chinese To Behave

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe read the riot act at the ongoing ZANU-pf Conference in Gweru.

Speaking to delegates in which he also threatened to call elections Mugabe said blasted the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMR) and the Zimbabwe Republic Police(ZRP) on account of their corruption at the border posts.

He also did not leave ‘our friends’ the Chinese saying they have to follow the rules when they come into Zimbabwe. There has been a growing resentment towards the Chinese community by locals with many feeling that they are the country’s new colonisers. There have been reports of abusive treatment of workers and business practices that are not inclusive with Chinese companies creating employment for their people and not locals. There is also a feeling that they get special treatment when they do business in Zimbabwe.

Finance Minister Tendai Biti speaking in Manchester earlier today also spoke of how Chinese diamond mining company Anjin was doing business was a manner that was hurtful to the environment. For example, they have apparently been cutting baobab trees all over the place in the area.

Mugabe also said any ministers that are corrupt will be kicked out of government. Someone should hand him the docket because most of cabinet will be without a job by tomorrow. We are sure the president is genuine but people in this country don’t normally get into trouble for corruption, do they?

It’s real out there.

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