
Air Algerie Crash Site Found

The wreckage of the missing Air Algerie AH5017  which disappeared earlier on Thursday has been found in the Mali desert.

It had 116 people on board, 110 of whom were passengers. The crash brings to 450 the number of people who have died in the last week from aviation disasters.

What we know for sure is that the plane diverted from its course because of weather issues and then crashed. The early indication is that weather will have played a huge factor. There had been suggestions that the plane could have ventured into dangerous territory where Mali rebels and the government are involved in a war. However there is no evidence that they had anything to do with the disappearance.

Radar communication was lost with the plane 50 minutes after it left Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on its way to Algeria,

Among the dead were 50 people from France; 24 from Burkina Faso; eight Lebanese; six Algerians; five Canadians; four Germans; two from Luxembourg; one from Mali; one Cameroonian; one Belgian; one Ukrainian; one Romanian; one Swiss; one Nigerian; and one Egyptian.

With information from CNN

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