
About that Lumumba sextape

Thursday saw the H Metro drop a bombshell in which it revealed that a sextape which had former Zanu-pf politician Acie Lumumba had been leaked.

Sex Tape

Lumumba alleges the leak came as a result of a raid on his home by the police.

Now social media is awash with all sorts of responses, from shock to some who say they have seen stills of the tape saying they are  a fan of the politician’s erm…  bits.

All reactions really but in reality it would seem that the novelty of the sextape in Zimbabwe has worn off. Back in the day it would be all that Twitter or whatever talked about but people are pretty much unmoved by it all.

One can read what they want into it but it seems as if the frequent production of ssextapes by the lovely kids at Miidlands State University has reduced  the huge X factor behind it all. That is unless you get a shocker like a gay sextape.


Although, a shame that the girl is identifiable from the tape.

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