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About That ‘Faith’ Video… And Women’s Rights

A video has been doing the rounds of a woman shamed after being caught having an affair with some fella.

The video has divided opinion but the general consensus is that she deserved what she got and learnt things the hard way.

First and foremost we know she should not have been having an affair. That right there is a given and if her husband is done with the marriage then so be  it.

What irks us is the existence of the video. Why does it exist? And why has it made it onto the Internet?

From what we can see this was a private family gathering and not something meant for public viewing so what purpose does it seek to serve? If it is to humiliate the woman then this is a cruel and unusual punishment.  Why is her business being shared with the whole world?

What has made this worse is that it is put into a society that generally treats women like second-class citizens. If this was a man who had been caught misbehaving he would have been forgiven or the video would not even have existed. Even if it did, the man would come out of this smelling like roses. In effect in most case there would be no dare and the woman would be told to forgive the men ‘because that is how men are’. Yep, because he has a penis and she has a vagina the rules are different.

Then there is that aspect of our culture where a man can give a woman a token of money to divorce her. In this instance the Tete drops a 20 cent coin and says the marriages is done. Just like that.  We know it is not about the coin but what does it say about the dignity of the woman? Or is it even an issue here? All this in defence of inhumane treatment?

But why the bloody hell are we filming private things like this?

And as for those sharing the video… what the hell is wrong with you?

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