
Facebook In Shocking Plan To Ban Uganda Over Anti-Gay Laws?

Reports have it that Facebook is about to ban Uganda over its stance on homosexuality.

Yes, they plan to block every Ugandan over the fact that the country has instituted a law it doesn’t like.

According to the site Ghafla! Facebook has been lobbied by pro-gay activists in the US and well is now allowing itself to be used as a tool to punish Ugandans over a law passed in that country.

If this is true this sets a dangerous precedent and moves the site from being something for everyone, a democratic space, to an imperialist tool. Think back to when British Prime Minister David Cameron said that his country would withhold aid from countries which had laws that the west did not like with particular reference to homosexuality –  not that we think African states should be accepting aid.

Now without speaking much about homosexuality what says that suddenly, we are not going to have Facebook banned because a country has not elected a president favourable to Facebook and its handlers. It will start with Facebook and then be escalated. Mind you, Zimbabwe has been subject to sanctions because it has a president that the west does not like. But we digress.

If Facebook goes ahead with this ridiculous idea then that will be a straight-up middle finger gesture to sovereignty.

We hope this is just a rumour.

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