
Why Nine Year-Olds Are Having Sex

Something we posted months ago about the raping of a 15 year-old by her father had a reaction that disturbed us in the comments section.

A young girl confessed to having sex at the age of 8 or 9 with her 14 year-old boyfriend. The legal age for sex in this countryis 16 and 8 or 9 is a far cry from that.

It had us thinking. Why are kids having sex? Why are kids that young having sex? Where has it all gone wrong? Note, we are not under the assumption that this sort of thing didn’t happen generations before the prevalence nowadays is hectic.

For us, if there is one thing that has gone horrible, it is parenting. Parents nowadays are just not hands-on and children’s value systems are created by MTV, Jerry Springer, E!, Facebook and the playground. That means your child is getting their most powerful influence from everyone but you.

With all these messages in the music, movies and the works telling them that everything is based on the YOLO(You Only Live Once) concept, kids throw every little bit of reason out of the window and replace it with the best form of logic that they come up with. Their decision is based on the little they know. After all, parents encourage them to have role models like Rihanna, Lady Gaga and think it is cute when they mimic the dance to Bootylicious or whatever new anthem for sexuality exists. Not only that, they go out and buy the clothes and hairstyles their idols are wearing.

So then when they make the decision to have sex it is because they think it is time. They are now ready and they have no other reasons not to. Then of course there is the added weight of expectation from their partner. They do not have the power to say No without fear of ridicule or rejection.

Then of course there is the external pressure of friends who are as naive as them. Being a child is traumatising experience. With all that goading on the playground and the dares without care for consequences a child is pushed to the limit. Without that grounding from the parents, the child has no chance. Do remember that they want to be cool.

Some have said that sex education in the schools might get rid of the problem. It might help but the core values and lessons must come from home. Without the parents creating something to work with, there is no chance.

If the parents can’t be bothered, why should the school be? It can only do so much.

It is easy to blame the kids, but who is raising them?

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