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WATCH: Cape Town environmentalist cycles across Africa, including Zimbabwe, in protest against fossil fuel extraction [interview]

Sven Fautley

Cape Town environmentalist Sven Fautley passed through Harare recently as part of his cycling protest against fossil fuel extraction.

When came across him, he was at Small World Lodge making himself a cup of tea, this past July.

We had a chat with him in which he talked about he went from running a software company and then his house burning down in 2005,resulting in him taking on this new adventure.

Fautley has ridden across parts of sub-Saharan Africa to highlight the effect of what he calls neocolonialist extraction.

“Go solar, or go home,” was Fuatley’s message to the fossil fuel companies.

His riding has seen him lauded by groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace.

Incidentally, Fautley says while he has had a pretty decent time engaging with people across his ride, it was in Zimbabwe where he felt the least safe, after locals told him not to comment on these issues as they could be seen as political.

‘I am not political,” Fautley told us. He added that he was too exposed to take certain risks, fearing that an accident could happen to him while riding down the road.

For Fautley, he says, ” As humans, we are not passengers, we are all crew… Do what you can. where you are, with what you have.”

Watch the full interview with Fautley below, as he shares his journey, his life before and what imspired him to take this life.

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