
The types of drivers you’ll probably bump into

Driving, as you will know, is always a mission. 

But I decided to come up with a list of the types of drivers you’ll probably meet (and you might even be one of them)

Here they are:

1. The Honkers

These are the trigger honk ready drivers that honk at everything. I am a firm believer in using the horn when necessary not when you have road rage (for some its 1000 times a day).

2. The “Highway-code-say-what?” Drivers

That book is so important! The Highway Code clearly states that drivers are supposed to indicate if they are turning and switching lanes. In reality, some drivers just reverse *eye roll*

3. The amateur”kombi” driver

They speed through traffic like a hyperactive baby high on sugar, cutting through cars and driving in the WRONG lane like who do you think you are.

4. The Texters

These are annoying and also are they looking out for anyone. Texting, or doing anything else but driving while driving is dangerous and stupid.

5. The drooler

They check out everything with legs on the road

6. The Good Driver

The one that observes all the rules and all

– Ancillar writes and creates social butterflies. Find out more about her here and follow her on Twitter on @heyAnci.

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