
So… They want to have a Robert Mugabe Day

So an idea is bubbling about among youths from the ruling Zanu-Pf party to have the 21st February declared Robert Mugabe day and be declared a public holiday.


It is currently called 21st February movement and has been running for 30 years but not as a public holiday.

The celebrates the life of the revolutionary icon that is the president of Zimbabwe and usually has a party plus gala.

The new call, some may argue, has precedence in the United States of America for example where the birthday of the first president George Washington is a holiday. In that country it is not set on the specific date, but is really a long weekend on the third Monday of the month. It s officially called Washington’s day but colloquially named Presidents Day.

To be honest, we are not sure of us having such a day in Zimbabwe. While we appreciate the gallant work done by our head of state. The 21st February Movement has worked well for those who subscribe to it and we think more attention should be towards making it more like Mandela Day which isn’t a holiday but a day set aside for specific activity.

In a country that has already got so many holidays we are not sure having another one loaded into a system that needs more work than play would be helpful at this point.

That said, there will be many who will disagree with us for whatever reason. Supporters of the party will say it is a no-brainer, it should happen. Those who aren’t fans of the party will say not for us.

Either way, the debate around this should be interesting.

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