
Highlights Of President Robert Mugabe’s Independence Day Speech

Please find below highlights of President Robert Mugabe’s speech which he made at the National Sports Stadium yesterday during the Independence day celebrations –

  • Because of this historic day, first celebrated in April 1980, our people cannot be regarded, much less, treated, as second –class citizens, in their land anymore.
  • Government has accordingly decided that the Grain Loan Scheme and the Free Assistance Programme will be extended until next season in order to assist those of our people in food insecure areas.
  • Peace is an inevitable pre-requisite for sustainable development in the country. To this extent, all political party leaders should encourage their supporters to promote the spirit of peace, tranquillity and harmony through social dialogue.
  • Finalization of the Constitution-making Process needs to be hastened.
  • We call upon those responsible for imposing these sanctions to urgently remove them unconditionally. On this very important matter, we should speak with one voice as a nation.
  • The economy has continued to register positive economic performance. Last year, growth was estimated at 9.3 percent.
  • In manufacturing, capacity utilisation levels which averaged 38 percent in 2010 peaked at around 54 percent last year.
  • Mining continues to be on an upward trend, as reflected by increases in the production of gold, platinum, diamonds and coal. We need more facilities for the local processing of our mineral output in order to maximise on value and to provide employment for our people.
  • As a major sign of confidence in our tourism industry, Zimbabwe and Zambia won the bid to co-host the 20th Session of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation General Assembly in Victoria Falls next year.
  • This year, Zimbabwe will conduct its fourth Census, from the 18th to the 28th of August 2012.
  • The recent launch of the Presidential –eLearning Programmes at Chogugudza Primary School in Mashonaland East Province is clear testimony to Government’s commitment to providing quality education to our children.
  • In the health sector, the number of people on anti-retroviral treatment for HIV/Aids increased to 410 000 last October.
  • To meet the growing demand for higher education, preparations have begun for the establishment of the Marondera University of Agriculture Science in Mashonaland East; Manicaland University of Applied Sciences and the Gwanda State University in Matabeleland South
  • The Look East policy is an important consideration on our agenda as it continues to bear fruit both politically and economically.
  • Zimbabwe will continue to call for the urgent reform of the United Nations Security Council to make it more representative of the majority of Member States.
  • The commitment of our defence and security forces to maintaining peace and security in Zimbabwe and beyond is always applauded. I wish to encourage them to carry on the good work in various local, regional and international peace-keeping United Nations and African Union assignments.

You can read the full speech here

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VIDEO: Red Rat – Rise Up Zimbabwe

President Robert Mugabe’s full speech at the National Sports Stadium delivered on April 18, 2012