
PM Tsvangirai Set To Marry…Again

So we hear that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai got engaged to Elizabeth Macheka on Friday night.

New Zimbabwe reports that Tsvangirai, was joined by family and friends at the LaFarrranatta Restaurant along Mutoko Road, where introduced his new wife-to-be.

His spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka said-

“The Prime Minister has engaged with his loved one” (sic)

News of his engagement comes barely six months after the good Prime Minister unceremoniously ended his off on and off again relationship with Harare businesswoman LocadiahTembo/Karimatsenga who is 20 years his junior.

Tsvangirai is said to have paid a cool $36,000 Lobola for Locadiah in a marriage that lasted approximately 24 hours. Setting a record that would make Kim Kardashian’s 72 hour marriage look like a joke. The whole fiasco inevitably became a public circus.

Chief Negomo later fined Tsvangirai two cattle, two sheep, 10 metres of white cloth and a ball of snuff to appease the spirits over his botched marriage, an order he refused to comply with.

In retrospect we wonder if the Prime Minister ever intended to marry in the first place. It is possible that he was just doing the honourable thing by going through the motions of customary marriage because Locadiah was rumoured to be pregnant with his child. Had he not done this traditionalist would have on his case. However, when the opportunity to exit came, he did exactly that as quickly as he could.

Ever since the passing of his wife Susan,in a 2009 car crash,the Prime Minister has had a colourful history with women. There are rumours of another Bulawayo woman who is said to be claiming maintenance for a child the PM fathered.

We certainly hope that the PM gets it right this time but somehow we have this uneasiness that things will get messy.

The PM’s latest love interest Elizabeth,is the daughter of Zanu PF politburo member and former Chitungwiza mayor, Joseph Macheka. It is also interesting to note that Locadiah Karimatsenga’s sister, Biata Beatrice Nyamupinga, is a Zanu PF MP for Goromonzi West.

That said, is the good Prime Minister trying to tell us there are no beautiful girls in the MDC party?

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