
How the Seattle Department of Transportation Director ended up with the Zimbabwe as his surname

We’re not sure there is anyone in Zimbabwe with the name Zimbabwe but, well but the new Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Director is called Sam Zimbabwe.

Sam Zimbabwe – Seattle Department of Transport Director

We first picked the headline when prominent digital star Mike Tashaya posted a story about Zimbabwe (the man not the country on his timeline).

We decided to Google it and well, we thought we would come across some hoax but lo and behold. The man exists.

And the SDOT blog gives the story behind it all:

Did you know that Zimbabwe derives from the Shona name for an ancient town believed to mean “large houses of stone?” Great Zimbabwe was such an important part of its national identity that the country in southern Africa was named for the historic town. Obviously, Zimbabwe is also Sam’s last name; when he and his wife got married they combined the beginnings of each of their four family surnames to form the name “Zimbabwe” — and thereby established their new home and family on a “strong foundation of stone.” Sam looks to bring the same foundation to SDOT as we work together to build the city of the future.

Pretty neat that he espouses the positive aspect of the name of the country with it being dragged through the proverbial mud locally and abroad.

Fascinating stuff.

Shout out to you Sam Zimbabwe. Would be a fun troll if one day the president of the United State’s surname is Zimbabwe. Or if Sam serves in the white house or something.

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