
Cougars Are UnAfrican!

I don’t think I am a JUDGEMENTAL person! Mouthy and opinionated, absolutely. Judgemental , not so much. On the contrary this week I’m going to play God and I will judge a few of his creations. In my humblest of opinions, these creatures are  not news worthy in neither  a good nor bad way but I have made a bold decision to write about them anyway.

Apparently this woman going out to snare young men is unAfrican… Miss Leatherchrissy / / CC BY


Cougars are a breed of  older single women, on the prowl hunting for younger men. One cant help but notice the advent of ‘cougardom.’

Personally, this isn’t something I would find myself partaking in probably because I have a son. In my wildest imagination I can never accept my son being with a woman my age, almost half his age or more. Is it the in trend? Is it true that age is nothing but a number? I do not know but I know the colour of despair.  Cougars are the desperate women of this society, keen to fight the normalcy of humanity. How do you begin to date a man almost half your age or younger?

Last weekend or the other, I read one of the local daily papers. The good writer was showcasing  Zimbabwe’s SOCIALITES doing well in this harsh  Zimbabwean economy. As always I read beyond the article. Who were these individuals?  What do they do? I queried myself in silence and envy. After scrutinising the “well to do” individuals, I came face to face with the  harsh reality….Cougar frenzy had hit Zollywood. It’s no longer the  Jennifer Lopez or Mariah Carey’s of Hollywood but right here at home we have our fair  share of post menopause ladies manifesting and the media has already embraced the “cougar frenzy”, giving it positive publicity in the tabloids.

How does it happen? Zimbabwe, like all other African nations is evolving and adapting to ever changing trends world over. RIGHT? But are we ready to read about COUGARS in our daily newsprint? What good does such publicity bring to this humble society of dignity known for  maintaining its African heritage and what example does it set? Cougar is definitely not African! What exactly are  the relevance of such publications? I don’t know!

I know, some of you are going to give me the lecture about how BLIND love is! For me such relationships are not about love but are for selfish, self-serving and self-centred  motives by these older women keen to keep themselves relevant and trending. They will never offer these young men the social expected  relationships save for material benefits. Most of these women are beyond child bearing age, and generally don’t want children! They bring into these relationships  big time residual drama; they come carrying a significant amount of baggage, which may include a pending divorce, children, debts , ex-boyfriends and husbands , and financial obligations beyond these young men.

A younger man -older woman relationship is frowned upon by a lot of people. The younger guy is expected to give these unsatiabe  divas wild sex. SEX is all it is for these relationships!  What are we becoming? Have we adapted to the American culture so much that we have rendered the taboo of our African cultures  meaningless? Who will marry the daughters and sisters when mothers and grandmothers are preying on their eligible bachelors? What will become of the male generation when sex can earn them a descent lifestyle; when sleeping with their mothers age group seem trending; when young-able bodied man’s claim to society is sleeping with a woman old enough to be his mother? What happens to the think tank of this country when sleeping with an “old  and over used ****” can be a claim to publicity,  a ticket to driving expensive fleets and a passport to staying in a mansion? When financial empowerment for these young men are negotiated between sheets of wrinkled women????

Cougars have swapped looking after their grandchildren to looking after men young enough to be their own children in exchange for aggressive sex. They have mastered the art of  keeping up with trends, revolutionising clubbing and drinking spots flashing money everywhere, driving posh cars and making fashion statements everywhere they go, preying for the young desparate masculine breed. They are  always ready to  pamper them and  fly them globally to hang and dine in expensive place posing for KODAK  moments for uploads to mark their territory!!!!

Zimbabweans, like Winky D put it across over the weekend, I also have nothing against grown people’s life choices as long as such choice do not serve to decay a Zimbabwean heritage! I do not appreciate reading a self serving article in a daily newspaper about how a brother is working hard behind the closed bedroom doors of an older woman to earn material gains and limelight!!

Until next time always remember that dating an older person for material gains doesn’t count as HUSTLING. Follow me on twitter @nomakartel


This article first appeared on the Controversial Queen blog. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of

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