
A Quick Look At The Zvirikufaya Video Frenzy

It was cute and tad bit annoying when Philip Chiyangwa made it popular but the Zvirikufaya frenzy has become a bit of a silly point of Zimbabwean reference.

The fascination with the smart phone has resulted in some people taking selfie videos of themselves either in jest or quite seriously talking about how much better their lives are a lot better where they are than where other Zimbabweans are. Most of the videos posted have been of people in the diaspora talking about how it makes no sense to return to Zimbabwe because life abroad is so much better.

Zimbabweans based back home have also hit back with their little nuggets. Some of them are clever pieces of comedy while a few others border on direct insults. No we’re not being sensitive here because let’s face it, we  do not decide where comedy lives or doesn’t.

There is a lot of room  for humour and a need not to take ourselves too seriously. Of course this could be something that could be used to bring Zimbabweans together. As we all know there is something of an uneasiness in the relationship between Zimbabweans based back home and those in the diaspora, a reason which we shall discuss some other time.

From talking to Zimbabweans both local and out there, the jury is split with some saying that it does not make them feel that good about the other. Locals in particular say, ‘Varikutishainira‘. A bit sensitive we know but the reality is according to ubuntu basic culture noone likes a show-off, especially when we deal with a country where poverty is now deeply embedded.

Do we think they should stop? We can’t make a call on that. A sensation has a life of its own and often is a reflection of society. We mentioned that uneasiness and it has emphasised by trolls who speak about the people suffering back home in a derogatory way while those locally have unparliamentary things to say about those out there.

Does this help? Does this hinder? We’re not sure. All we know is that the whole thing is a bit silly.

Maybe we are just a bit too serious.

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