
3 mind games insecure men play in relationships

couple arguing in the bathroom
Photo by Diva Plavalaguna on

It’s been a few weeks since we came back with some advice on relationships.

So relationships are what they call sleeping with the enemy and people will play all sorts of games naturally to win over the other.

Now there are acceptable levels of conflict, then there is the weird toxic kind. We’ll even add abusive.

And many men are playing these games, especially since they feel secure.

So here are three mindgames insecure men are playing on women.

1. Blame Game

It is always your fault. And blame is such a powerful tool, because it is meant to gain the upper hand. When it is for survival, that is one thing, but when used as a stick to hit, it is more dangerous. It is based on narcissism and low self-esteem. When one does not ee fault in themselves, they always use chronic words to deal with the partner/

2. The Shame Game

You literally can do nothing and you can get shamed. It can be overt such as shaming what you are wearing, your weight, and even just the way you’re sitting. It is a classic case of someone needing to destroy someone so as to feel good about themselves.

3. The Lame Game

This one is with people are all out manipulative and prey. They make excuses for their own behaviour. They lie and throw their problems at anything but themselves. When things work out, they also suffer from feeling insufficiently adulated. And when they fail they will tell you that it was expected and they have a cry over it. And they drain you out/

What other mind games do men play that get to you? Share them in the comments below, or via our socials as listed below:

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