
13 things you probably didn’t know you could do with vodka

Vodka. It’s like water but it isn’t.

Now there are regular things you can do with vodka. Most of them involve having it with a chaser (or dash).

But there are some things you probably didn’t know you could use vodka for.

We have researched 15.

  1. Numb a toothache: This is known by some and not necessarily all. You can dip it in cotton wool and place it on your tooth. Or swish it in your mouth if you don’t mind the taste and you are good to go.
  2. Mouthwash: Related to the above yes. But you can use it to rinse your mouth and remove all sorts of baddies in it. An excuse to get one after lunch, hein?
  3. Soothe an earache: Mix vodka and honey then heat. Apply drops every four hours. Just don’t do it if the infection has puss and so forth.
  4. Stain remover: Now this one is interesting because it makes you wonder what you are drinking. You can use it for removing oil-based stains. And that includes ink. Soak in vodka and use a toothbrush if you have to. Then wash.
  5. Treat dandruff: Rinse with vodka after shampoo and conditioner. Any buildup will just go away fam. Just go. Yep.
  6. Deal with stinky feet: Soak a washcloth in vodka and use it to wash your feet. It will get rid of all the fungus and bacteria and your feet will be odorless.
  7. Remove odour from your shoes: Mix vodka with water in a spray. Then mist the inside of your shoes after wearing. What happens? Fungus and bacteria gone, as above.
  8. Deodorise clothes: Because it evaporates as it dries with no smell, you can spray it onto the exterior and interior and hang it out in a ventilated area. The bad-smelling bacteria goes away.
  9. Cleaning dishes: Add a splash of vodka and it will get rid of the grease as you wash dishes.
  10. Band-Aid removal: Add some vodka and removing a band-aid won’t be so painful. Trues story.
  11. Weedkiller: Spray weeds and boom they are dead. And in sunny areas like Zimbabwe, the vodka and the sun will do the business together effectively.
  12. Mak flowers last longer: Put a little vodka in the vase and the flowers will stay fresh for a little bit longer.
  13. Keep razors from rusting: Not only does vodka disinfect razors, it keeps them from rusting and so stay sharp.

So, the next time someone asks you why you always have vodka in your house, you now know what to say…

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