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RECAP: M-Net’s Lioness – Episode 6

The sixth instalment of M-Net’s gripping original crime drama Lioness has come and gone.

This article contains some spoilers from the sixth episode of M-Net’s Lioness

Getting us into the deep dive, we start off by finding out why Jason Hugo (Frank Rautenbach) was on his brother Adrian’s (Jacques Bessenger)  life insurance as beneficiary.

Soon after we are still at the wedding reception but in Miranda’s room. Samantha (Shannon Esra) comes to apologise for the furore and in the fight, Megan (Natasha Sutherland) reveals the affair, of which Liam (Joshua Eady) did not know.

Liam confronts Samantha and she admits the affair. He is shaken and walks away.

Before that, Miranda tries to shut Megan and in a fit runs off with people coming after her.

Back at home, Caitlyn (Aviannah Abrahams) has us all a bit worried. She says her mother is a psycho and wishes she had been locked up. And then adds, ‘What if I am a psycho too?’

To the Twala home, late at night and Sifiso (Terrence Ngwila) is at his desk looking at Adrian’s face when Amo (Nokuthula Ledwaba) comes into the room and tells him to come to bed. He says he is almost done and after her gentle pressing he closes the laptop, critically with the windows open.


That is because in the morning Amo opens the laptop and sees what he has been working.

As Sifiso leaves for work, Amo eerily says, “I am your wife Sifiso and I will stand by you through anything but not if you lie to me.”

Backed into a corner Sifiso tells her the whole shebang. Oh, he had been looking at Adrian lookalikes online for Jason’s ruse.

On the confirmation that Adrian did not die, Sifiso tells her not to tell Samantha given how deep he had been involved in the cover-up.

They have a cry about it.  

Amo is shaken and she feels she is complicit every time she lies to Samantha.

 It’s a mess.

Let’s go elsewhere for a moment and this is to Anton who comes  home to tell his doting wife Emma that he wants to investigate the case again to know he did not make a mistake.

He calls it an obsession and her response?

Your job is important to you. You do not need to explain.

He did try to be open but, poor Emma. You can see it can’t you?

Keep reading.

Samantha meanwhile has a hangover and is still asleep.  Jason walks into her room and sees the wall where she has been putting her evidence together.

He presents the fake picture of not-Adrian from the ‘private investigator’ and she is defeated, we think.

It gets more insane for Samantha as her mother Charlotte (Fiona Ramsay)  shows her an article that read They Stole My Children by Howard Chetty (Jack Devnairan).  

Charlotte is upset that Samantha has gone and given an interview. She even says she hopes a good payment.

Oh Charlotte. It was you who spilled the beans and the reporter said it would not come out.

Megan wants to sue but Jason wants to hear nothing of it.

Samantha goes to Jason’s home to explain that the article is not her fault and it goes as bad as it can. Megan is at her vitriolic best, Caitlyn says she hates Samantha and Liam is distant, in both terms of the word.

It’s another mess.

Now over to the ever terrifying situation with Miranda (Jazzara Jaslyn) who is now on her honeymoon with Brian (Evan Hengst) and the latter has now gone full blown creepy.

Samantha calls Miranda and as it rings, Brian grabs her phone and answers it. He bans Samantha from calling Miranda.

After the call is cut, Brian asks why Miranda is reaching out to her mother. She says she wants to find out about the life insurance policy.

Brian then bans Miranda from talking to her mother and goes one further.

“If your brother and sister want to see Samantha that is their choice. But you don’t get to see them,” it goes on.

That relationship is one that makes you feel really sorry for Miranda.

At some point, we find out that the relationship is based on the fact that Miranda was about to commit suicide as a teenager before she called the helpline. Brian then says it was meant to be because she was the last call before he was about to log off.

If you think that is bad, keep reading. It gets even messier.

Samantha’s bunkbed-mate Bonolo (Pulane Rampoana)  out of prison and she calls the former to come and party.

This night unravels quickly because a lot is happening meanwhile. Oh Samantha begrudgingly agrees.

So first Liam is back on drugs and has a conversation with Jason about Samantha. Then Adrian comes up again and Jason, with memories goes back to when he told Jason about his dad being alive.

You get the feeling that Liam does not believe his uncle anymore because of the clarity of the flashback and the final statement, “Wishful thinking”.

Creepy Brian asks Miranda about her sexual history and she talks about the guy from school, Jake. He says he would have charged him and threatens to hunt him down.

She asks about his past and finds out Brian has been engaged before. His ex-fiance  died. She consoles him but you can see she is learning skills.

Later at night, she goes to her phone and watches the report of the fiancé, Pam, her mother saying Brian forced her into a suicide.

Miranda tries to call Samantha whose phone is at the bar while she dances. How is she leaving her phone unattended there and getting away with it? That sort of bar, things go walkies, but it didn’t.

Anton (Gerald Steyn) gets a call informing that Samantha is breaking parole conditions and says he will sort it out. He intends to ignore the call.

Just you wait.

Charlotte is worried about Samantha’s whereabouts and tries to call Liam who is passing out in the bathroom.

It’s about to get more tense.

She calls Anton in the middle of the night and confesses love.

Down the rabbithole that goes.

We are ready for an exciting seventh episode with things shaping up quite beautifully.

First, it seems as if Miranda is more of an ally than Samantha knows. She is learning to keep things away from Brian.

Caitlyn tells Megan to stop calling Samantha selfish among other things.

Sifiso tells Amo, who is backing her bags, that Yvette (Ilana Cilliers) is missing. Where is she? The last time we saw her, she was high and in worse for wear.

Megan says she will take care of everything, when it comes to Samantha. Her father apparently has a say on Jason’s career. What card will she pull?

What further trouble could the night at the bar bring for Samantha?

We have now inserted Bonolo into the conversation. What will she give us?

What are the implications of Samantha storming in on Howard at the tabloid over the story?

And one more, what is Liam about to remember?

So much to deal with.

M-Net’s Lioness is on every Thursday on M-Net (DStv channel 102 [ROA]/101[SA]). The full season so far is currently available on Catchup.

a filimu TV update.

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