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OPPORTUNITY: Durban International Film Festival calls for 2018 campaign submissions

The Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) is hosting its 39th edition under the theme –Evolution: No Filmmaker Left Behind.

The DIFF team is looking at creative ways to represent the festival and expand its reach to attract more attention from the public, media and global film community.

Designers and agencies are invited to pitch for the DIFF 2018 campaign. Pitches should include the following:

  • A concept rationale of the visual campaign presented including reference.
  • A near-to-complete poster design artwork in any style (illustrated/photography/hand rendered/vector etc.)
  • Present an execution plan that shows possible roll out to:
  • A1 Poster and A5, A6 publications
  • 30-second moving video/animation promo (concept and treatment only)
  • Landscape website banner
  • T-shirt design
 Campaign Guidelines:
  • The target market is broad so the campaign should be something that speaks clearly across cultures, maintaining a local edge while speaking to an International audience in a visual language that is understood by all.
  • Entrants should review and react to international counterparts. Find out what they are doing right and wrong. Examples include Toronto, Cannes, Tribeca, Dubai and Berlinale.
  • DIFF is looking for something completely new. Study the festival archive of posters, and what has come before, and how that legacy can be reinterpreted for today’s audiences.


Submit designs in a PDF file (less than 3mb) to  [email protected] or [email protected] along with a short written rationale to explain the design. All entries must have the subject line: DIFF 2018 Campaign Submission

Deadline for submissions is on 15 February 2018.


– The selected campaign designer will be paid R10 000 for the use of the campaign concept and the handover of the final poster artwork.

– A further R15 000 will be paid for the roll-out of finished artwork for associated elements which include:

  • T-Shirt design (front graphic and layout of logos and funders text)
  • Adaptation of A1 poster to A6 programme and A5 catalogue
  • Adaptation of artwork for pull up banners (various specs)
  • Web banners (various specs)

Creative direction of the 30-second video/animated promo. Depending on the medium chosen, this will inform the means in which it is produced, be it animation or live action. The costs of production of this video will be covered separately, but the idea should be simple and cost-effective.


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