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Full details on how artists and athletes can access the COVID-19 relief fund

The Zimbabwe government last week announced a Covid-19 relief fund for the arts and sports sector.

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Here are the details of how it will work, thanks to the National Gallery Zimbabwe


The Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation is pleased to avail the sum of ZW 20 million dollars for Sport and Arts with each of these two sectors receiving ZW10 million dollars, courtesy of His Excellency President E.D. Mnangagwa through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development. The Athletes and Arts Relief Fund (AARF) is being given as a once-off grant to qualifying beneficiaries. The purpose of this document is to provide a guiding framework for the administration of the facility for both Sport and Arts. This intervention is a temporary arrangement while sustainable interventions are being worked out for the two sectors which are important industries for Zimbabwe.


The Ministry, through the Sport and Recreation Commission (SRC) and the Zimbabwe Boxing and Wrestling Control Board (ZNBWCB) are inviting applications for the relief fund from eligible athletes whose activities and revenue streams have been adversely affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. The athletes will be considered and recommended through registered National Sport Associations, Community Clubs, Academies and Professional Boxers.

i. Selection of athletes will be based on the following principles:
ii. The athlete/Boxer should belong to an Association Registered with the Sport and Commission under-the Sports and Recreation Commission Act or Zimbabwe Boxing and Wrestling Control Board
iii. The Association should be Compliant to Governing Acts and statutes of Sport and Recreation in the Country
iv. The athlete should declare any funding received from International, Continental, Regional and National bodies
v. Submission of forfeited events, activities and frozen sources of funding or income

Criteria are in Four (4) TIERS

In order to facilitate the distribution of funds to deserving athletes, the SRC and ZNBWCB have created four tier funding system for athletes affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The four Tier relief funding system operates with four distinct levels, whose guiding criteria are outlined below.

1. ELITE Athlete Tier

Description: Athletes/Teams with realistic medal winning capabilities at World Championships, Olympic and Paralympic Games, World Special Olympic Games, Major Games.
Payout Amount: ZWL $8000.00 per athlete each for National Sports Associations and ZNBWCB. There will be 80 athletes and 10 boxers targeted.

Criteria for Elite Category
i. Athletes/Teams must be practising prioritized individual/ team sport.
ii. Athletes/Teams should be at most four years away from the podium at world level.
iii. Athletes/Teams ranked in the top 16 at their sport specific Continental Championships in the last two years.
iv. Athletes/Teams placed in the top 16 in the latest previous edition of the Major Games and All Africa Games.
v. Athletes/Teams have qualified or placed in the top 16 at the latest previous Olympic/Paralympic Games.

2. EXCELLENCE Athlete/ Team Tier

Description: Athletes/Teams with realistic medal winning capabilities at Sport Specific Continental Championships, African Games, and African Paralympic Games, Pan African Games.
Payout Amount: ZWL $5000.00 per athlete each for National Sports Associations and ZNBWCB. There are 180 athletes and 20 boxers will be targeted.

Criteria for Excellence Category

i. Athletes/Teams whose performances suggest that they have realistic medal winning capabilities at the subsequent World Championships, Olympic and Paralympic Games within a maximum of eight years.
ii. Athletes/Teams must be practising an individual /team sport.
iii. Athletes/Teams ranked in the top 24 at their sport specific Continental Championships in the last two years.
iv. Athletes/Teams placed in the top 24 in the latest previous edition of the All Africa Games.
v. Athletes/Teams placed in top 8 at the African Union Sports Council Region 5 Games.

3. EMERGING Athlete/Team Tier

Description: Athletes/Teams with realistic medal winning capabilities at Regional Championships, African Union Sports Council Region 5 Games and African Paralympic Games.
Payout Amount: ZWL $3000.00 per athlete each for National Sports Associations and ZNBWCB. A total of 1046 athletes will receive grants from their provincial structures and 100 boxers.

Criteria for Emerging Athletes Category

i. Athletes/Teams whose performances suggest that they have realistic medal winning capabilities at the subsequent Regional Championships with a maximum of 5 years.
ii. Athletes/Teams must be practising an individual/ team sport.
iii. Athletes/Teams ranked in the top three at their sport specific National Championships in the last two years.
iv. Athletes/Teams placed in the top three in the latest previous edition of the National Youth and Paralympic Games.

4. COMMUNITY Sport and Recreation Clubs or Academies Tier
Description: This Tier category targets 10 Clubs or Academies per Province.
Payout Amount: ZWL $2000.00 per athlete each per community club. Each club should have 20 members and there will be 200 recipients per province.

i. Criteria for Community Sport and Recreation clubs or academies
ii. Registered or recognised by the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation or SRC as a community club or academy.
iii. The athlete should have been an active member of the club for not less than one year.
iv. There should be geographical spread of the clubs.
v. There should be gender balance.

Special Fund Committees: Applications for Community Clubs and Academies will be assessed by the Special Fund Committees which are described under the ARTS sector. Provincial representatives from the SRC and Boxing and Wrestling Control Boards will attend.

i. Application procedures
ii. Applications will be processed on a first come first serve basis.
iii. Applications for Tiers 1, 2 and 3 should be submitted to SRC Head Office. Through their respective National Sports Associations and for Boxers they should submit directly to the ZNBWCB Head Office.
iv. Applications for the 4th Tier, which is for Community clubs/Academies, are submitted to the Ministry’s Provincial Office and SRC Provincial office through the club/Academy and District Sport officers.
v. Only Applicants who meet the above stated criteria need to apply.
vi. Funds will be disbursed as and when the applications are approved.
vii. Application forms are available from Provincial and District Offices of the Ministry and the NACZ, NGZ, SRC and Boxing and Wrestling Control Board;
viii. Forms are also available online from the Ministry, NACZ, NGZ, SRC websites.
ix. Deadline for the applications is 31 July 2020.


The Ministry, through the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) and the National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) are inviting applications for the relief fund from eligible registered practitioners in the Culture and Creative Industries (CCIs) sector, CCIs Associations, Organizations and Arts and Culture Education Institutions whose activities and revenue streams have been adversely affected by the COVID 19 pandemic.


i. The fund is intended to benefit the following:
ii. Registered Artists, Artists’ associations/organisations/groups recognising gender and differently abled persons.
iii. Individual artists demonstrating the effect of COVID-19 on their practice.
iv. Registered Arts centres/spaces/hubs.
v. Registered Art Galleries.
vi. Production Houses (Theatre, Dance, Film, Music Studios).
vii. Arts and Culture Education Institutions.
viii. Projects and Programmes (Provincial and National levels with discernible impact on CCIs’ development).

Eligibility Criteria
i. To be eligible applicants must be:
ii. Registered Artist, Artists associations/organisations/groups recognising gender and differently abled persons.
iii. Practising artists able to demonstrate continuous practice for the past 2 years.
iv. Practitioners in the Cultural and Creative Industry living and working in Zimbabwe for the past 2 years.
v. Applicants must demonstrate experiencing dire financial emergencies due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
vi. CCIs’ projects with an impact at District, Provincial or National level will be prioritised.
vii. Applicants must not be employees, Board members, or immediate family members of the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation, National Arts Council of Zimbabwe and/or the National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
viii. Applicants should not have benefitted from other Government Covid-19 relief facilities such as the Youth Fund, Athletes Fund, Social Protection cash transfer and the SMEs sector support scheme.

Grant Pay-out amounts:
Funds to qualifying beneficiaries shall be a once off as:
i. Individual artists up to ZWL$5000.00
ii. Registered CCIs Artists’ Business – up to ZWL$7 500.00
iii. CCIs registered Social organisations – up to ZWL$7 500.00

Application Requirements:

i. Proof of registration with National Arts Council or National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
ii. That they are citizens of Zimbabwe or have been living and practising in Zimbabwe for the past 2 years.
iii. Demonstrate continuous practice for a minimum of 2 years.
iv. Proof that they reside in Zimbabwe and their business or practice has been operating in Zimbabwe.
v. Show proof of place of operation, e.g. lease agreement, ZESA bill, water bill, affidavit, etc. All these will be subject to verification by the selection committee.


i. The Artists and Athletes Relief Fund shall be administered by the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation with:
ii. The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) in collaboration with, the National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) and Provincial Fund Committees shall be responsible for identifying qualifying CCIs beneficiaries.
iii. Special Fund Committees in each province comprising representatives from the NACZ, NGZ, departments of Arts and Culture, Sport and Recreation, Youth Development and Economic Empowerment, one representative from at least three CCIs associations and two artists representing a different genre (e.g. from Music, Visual Arts, Theatre & Film, Sculpture, Literary Arts, Crafts etc.) shall be set up to assess applications received.
iv. The National Arts Council shall be the secretariat of the committees.
v. The Committee through the Provincial Head shall recommend applications for funding and submit these to Head Office for approval before disbursement of funds.
vi. The selection Committees making every effort possible to ensure fair distribution of beneficiaries by district, gender as well as inclusion of those living with disability.
vii. Minutes of meetings and a full record of beneficiaries shall be kept for audit trail, transparency and accountability.
viii. The administration of the Fund shall comply with the Ministry’s Accounting Officers Instructions and Government Regulations.
ix. Funds will be disbursed as and when the applications are approved.

Application Forms and Deadlinei. Application forms are available from Provincial and District Offices of the Ministry and the NACZ, NGZ, SRC and Boxing and Wrestling Control Board;
ii. Forms are also available online from the Ministry, NACZ, NGZ SRC websites
iii. Deadline for the applications: 31 July 2020.

Download the form here

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