
A Moment with… Misred

ZiFM Stereo’s MisRed describes herself simply as a single, working mother.

Like many young women MisRed has struggled with labels. The name “Misred” (pronounced Misread) is exactly what a lot of young women face every day – being misunderstood, misinterpreted. She believes that she represents every young woman who has made a mistake and has been written off by society.

Her passion lies in empowering young women by showing them the endless possibilities life can offer if you challenge yourself to constantly have a winning attitude.

Samnatha Mussa aka Misred
Samnatha Mussa aka Misred

In amongst all this being driven and inspired stuff MisRed took time out to speak to

What is your government name?
Samantha Mary Mussa

What do you like to call yourself?
Mai Hannah

What is the most ridiculous nickname you have ever had?
Sama (I irk when I hear that)

Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
On My Tummy on the Right

Are you left-handed or right-handed?
Right Handed

What is your favourite instrument?
To Play Marimba, to listen to Guitar

What is the first song you fell in love with?
That’s kind of Tough Because I really first fell in Love With Melodic Composition, Then My passion for music blossomed from there, it wasn’t really a particular song, if I say it was I would be Lying out of my teeth!

Best concert you have ever been to?
I’ve been to quite a few concerts all over the world, with all the bright lights and razz mataz you can think of but I Forever maintain any Oliver Mtukudzi Show I go to is always a Blast. My favourite being when he performed At the Umoja Festival in Mozambique 2008 at Fortaleza. I remember feeling Home sick cause I had been staying there for a few years and just watching him on stage just gave me a little piece of home to get me by!

Of the shows you have been part of, which ones is your favourite?
I’m certainly not a Liverpool Fan but When John Barnes Came to Town I thought that was pretty awesome, getting to meet and interview a Soccer Legend, Doesn’t happen too often in one’s life! Even my Dad was jealous lol.

How do you deal with groupies?
LOL do I have groupies lol!!? I think I just have people who can appreciate the Work we do but in terms of “groupies” I don’t give too much space to be seen much to have Groupies…maybe I have secret ones that I don’t know of!

How excited were you when the first groupie hollered at you?
I didn’t BELIEVE they actually knew me….I have people who say “Hey your Misred, I listen to your show every Morning with TK “ or “I’ve seen you on T.V” I’m Honestly just Humbled in any case, but really it hasn’t sunk in so it’s all casual…wouldn’t say I’ve had excitement per-say.

Where is Zimbabwean entertainment going?
Zim DanceHall has taken over everything and the artists representing some of the other genres have really taken a back seat and so variety is limited which I think can be dangerous, because growth of an industry is incumbent of synergies which are lacking but we are slowly but surely seeing the value of the Arts which is a good thing. Unfortunately like most things in Zimbabwe we have no sense of Urgency but there are people I see working tirelessly to try improve our Entertainment. I’m optimistic but we need to get out of our bubble and the comfort zone that has really been somewhat created by the media which can be very polarized as we have seen so at times we fail to really gauge on the flaws or successes

Where is your career going?
Answer: I wish I could tell you the Half of it but I am more action than words. And I Love to surprise people, but let’s just say Misred will consistently give folks something to talk about in terms of Breaking New Ground for Zimbabwe

What do you want to be remembered for?
I want to be remembered as The Girl who proved anything is Possible and Dreams Can Easily is turned into reality! Especially in Media!

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