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51% Comedy HIFA Madness Unhinges Prejudice

The standup show at HIFA 51% Comedy was more than a good night out for those who were at REPS theatre on Thursday night.

Last night’s opening show which was not even on the original programme was performed to a full house. Hosted by Q the Boss it featured Samm ‘Comrade Fatso’ Monro and Clive Chigubhu. The third comic who was supposed to be on the bill, Michael K, apparently had an emergency to attend to so he wasn’t there last night.

All the same the show was packed with the kind of satire that made some at times uncomfortable in their seats. However this would tempered with punchlines delivered at the right time to allow people to unclench.

There was no holy grail. Homosexuality (Chigubhu did is gay ancestor skit), social stereotypes, poverty, politics, sex were all on show to a crowd of mixed races. Sure, as we said before, at times the crowd would shift in their seats as points felt a little too close to home. However standup comedy has never been one to conform to some sort of ideal because the option makes people uncomfortable.

One thing for sure was that if you were able to remove your prejudices, you were left in stitches.

Even the issues with the microphone early were turned into punchlines, putting it down the Chinese products.

We would recommend you go and watch it but it is sold out already. The organisers Magamba say that there will be shows in Harare and Bulawayo, this month and the next.

If you’re easily offended it might not be for you. However it is good place to see someone else say the things that you wish you could say.

HIFA runs until 5 May.

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