
A Moment With… Makosi

Makosi Musambasi is a bit of an enigma of late, outspoken, vivacious and misunderstood. The misunderstood part probably comes from the fact that she wears her heart on her sleeve and is as honest as they come.

From as early as the age of 17 Makosi was up to something. She won Miss Mashonaland East which meant she automatically got a place on Miss Zimbabwe 1998!

She holds a nursing degree from the University of Luton and after practising, quit  cardiac nursing at the age of 25 ‘ in pursuit of happiness’.

She came to front and centre when she entered Big Brother UK in 2005. Bee, as she is called by her family would later launch a modeling career before taking up journalism!

A born again Christian she is  now working on MAKOSI Today, a chatshow which will air in ZBC. She also has a weekly colum with H Metro!

Makosi Musambasi seems to be finding a happier place and a sense of purpose.
Makosi sporting a new hairstyle

We caught up with her and in a moment, this is what she had to say….

What is your government name?

Makosi Musambasi

What do you like to call yourself?

I call myself MAKOSI

What is the most ridiculous nickname you have ever had?

2face and his crew call me Mascwando and I think it’s ridiculous

Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

I sleep on the left side of the bed, that is when I do sleep cause I suffer from really bad insomnia

Are you left-handed or right-handed?

I am right handed

What is your favourite instrument?

Mbira is my favourite instrument and I play them well! My two brothers play marimba really well so maybe there is a musical gene in the family somewhere.

What is the first song you fell in love with?

The thefirst song I fell in love with has to be Breathe from Toni braxton

Best concert you have ever been to?

Best concert? Mmmm let’s see. I’ve been to see Snoop Dogg, Usher, Sean Kingston, Akon, Donnel Jones, John Legend, Christina Aguilera, Yolanda Adams, P Square, 2face, Asa, Mi, Macheso, Tongai Moyo, Thomas Mapfumo, Tuku, Ringo, Lundi, Mafikizolo and I loved all of them but the John Legend one was an exceptional one…

Of the projects you have worked on which one is your favourite?

Groupies are lovers really! They spread love not hate

How do you deal with groupies?

It’s just strange when a young girl from Bristol or Birmingham is crazy about you. They follow everything you do and they say they love you yet you don’t know them.

How excited were you when the first groupie hollered at you?

I tend not to feel elavated or defined by fans or groupies I am just grateful to God that there are people who care and I always pray to remain humble and do best what I was created to do

Where is Zimbabwean society going?

Zimbabwean society has to change its mindset before it changes it’s direction! Change happens in the head not with the hand. There is so much anger and self hate. If you want time know you hate yourself see how you feel about others. You an only give what you have. For the roads to change our minds have to change. Stop abdicating responsibility by pointing a finger! changes begins with YOU

Where is your vision going?

I started off as a cardiac nurse where I worked in the ward Tony Blair was treated once and now I have a page Inca newspaper, am recording my chatshow and was a reality TV star before the Kim Kardashians of today! Exciting blessed life! I know God has a plan bigger than me. My vision is to be what I was created to be! God is the alpha and omega, so He knows where I’m heading! so far I have enjoyed the journey.

What do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered as the girl who liberated people from themselves by being myself. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too!


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