
Death Robs us of Possibilities

Today I received the sort of news we all dread. A vibrant friend had come to an unfortunate end by way of a sudden and violent event.

A friend, Shingi Chimuriwo, has had her last breath but not her last word.

It makes you stop and think for one moment, what is all this about ? We spend so much time building possibilities, trying to a build a place called forever and suddenly it is stolen from us. And stolen from those who relied on us.

Forgive me if there is little cohesion. This is from an emotional place and emotion and logic do not always tread on the same path.

The numerous times we talked, from the days she and the man who would eventually be her husband Fungai used to make appearances at the Book Cafe with the Venekera Works project were charactised by 3 words: frank, respectful, friendly.

We would spend hours talking mainly about politics. She was quite left and I am centre left so you can imagine. She would not try to change the way I thought but she was bent on making sure that I knew what was up.

To say she had huge potential begs the reality. She was immense and as a friend put it, we were all watching ‘the rise and rise of Shingi Chimuriwo’ with anticipation. She was going places. She was connected, she knew the right people and had the right soul. She was fired by the desire for justice for all.

And all that, taken in one moment. Gone. The possibilities that exist have all disappeared. Yes we can all do our best to fill the spaces but none of us can ever replicate her flair, her  style, her passion, her honesty. Many of us cower when we are expected to be honest.

So many conversations. So many words.

Shades of Sam Mtukudzi who also perished at the cusp of it all. On the same day, a year ago.

The ides of March have been cruel again. Death as before, has robbed us of possibilities.

So sad for Fungai.

RIP Shingi


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  1. I am sorry for the loss, not only for yours and her husband + all those who loved her but for Zimbabwe, another talented one gone…

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