
4 signs he is the cheating type

PIC: Joshua McKnight on Pexels

Cheating is one of the most heartbreaking things in a relationship.

It is as if your version of reality is twisted. What you think is true, turns out to be fake. And you begine to also feel your judgement is in need of serious adjustment

Now what if we told you that, like Tom Cruise in Minority Report, we could help you see signs that he is a type to cheat?

Well there are tell-tale signs, which range from annoyances and red flags, to bells and whistles.

Here we go.

1. He accuses you of cheating

This is classic deflection. A cheater can decide that in order to make sure no attention is given to his situation, he decides you are up to something. You feel as if there is something wrong with you and in essence have no energy to look at them. And worse, because he is cheating, he thinks you are too.

2. He’s way too mysterious

There is the brooding type, you know the John Wick type?

And then there is the, well how come noone knows what you get up to? He is vague about his past, work, friends, family and even some innocuous things. He is covering something up.

3. He is always at work

Now, we are not talking about the work you can track. Like, if he is a engine driver at the NRZ and he travels for yonks and stuff. Cheaters use work as a great cover, because who is going to tell you not to work, right? Any chance to be away from you, nah that ain’t a good thing. I mean, weekends, holidays, and extra hours? Noone loves their job that much.

4. Your friends drop hints

Your friends generally won’t walk up to you and tell you that he is cheating. They may see that as a bit too deleterious. They will however drop hints. And, you may feel the need to ignore them, or defend your partner. We know. Noone wants to come across as a failure in their relationship. But if your people, who generally have your best interests at heart are coming forward, you may want to have a listen.

What other signs show your man may be the cheating type? Share them in the comments below

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