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Open letter to Soul Jah Love

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Soul Jah Love

Dear Soul Musaka

Nhaiwe Soul seiyi uri kuramba kuita Paul? I first saw you in Greendale from a distance uri paKamfinsa shop and you looked so well and i saw you again kuma Avenues muna Central paflat riri next nepakanga pane office yaMakandiwa and a few minutes later wanga watoita brawl and i saw you paGeorge along Mutare Road uchipinda muSupermarket theres a lady who wanted to take a pic newe pakusvika akupa R100 kuti ubvume and i warned you about hunhu hwako, a few minutes later you got involved in an accident I an Altezza. I remember making a post again on facebook warning you madays awakaenda kwaMagaya and if i scroll down im sure i will get to that post asi hauterere pese pandinotaura nezvako because maybe you dont know me but recently a friend of yours was talking about you, inzwa Soul i want you to listen to me carefully and kana pane averenga this post i want you to tell him this before he commits suicide. I have been a drug addict and I’ve had all the hallucinations and I’ve heard those voices that nobody hears anoita kuti vanhu vazviparadze. The world may pretend to care about you iwe Mwana waStembeni vanhu vachikuti Chibaba vasingazive kuti hausi iwe unonzi chibaba chero makuruwani wacho asi ndiwe uya uya ayinzi chigunguru akaita seni ndainzi ndiri rombe. Unlike you I don’t give a sh*t about fame but even when I’m not known that much i came to understand the person who you are and as time passed by i looked at you from a distance ende pawazozvika my little brother hapasi kundifadza. The past doesn’t determine the future I’ve been in that world with one way out which is so dark and got admitted kuAnnex because of drugs with 26 drugs addicts nevanhu vaipenga vamwe vaiita sevakauraya vanhu nemumwe mpfanha aida kurara nechitunha chamai vake. This world is full of bullsh*t young man. Pane munhu wandakawirirana naye ndiri muAnnex ndakabuda ndikamusiya and i always wanted to get in touch with him ainzi Tonde but akasvika pakufa ndatadza kumoona just to show him the way out and now i come to you Soul Musaka again. Forget about the fame and honestly we can’t talk about fortune nekuti ehe mbiri unayo shaa kukwira ndege hazvireve kuti waita mari nekuti pane vanhu vanonzi vane mari so let’s not even go there. The spirit world you’re in Soul Jah Love it’s too dark and it has one door asi vanhu varimo vakawandisisa usaterere mashoko anouya munzeve dzako anokuita as if unopenga coz I’ve been there and i know zvinenge zvichiitika. Usati wafunga zvekuzviuraya usati wafunga please please I’m saying it again please don’t you dare over drug yourself please stop killing yourself. There is hope my brother I’ve been there inga Mwari varipo dai ndaikwanisa kukuona ndaigara newe pasi ndikuudze mashoko akakufanira tiri two pasina vanhu nekuti you’re too young to stress yourself nobody will ever know what’s on your heart kusara kwaMwari. Don’t loose hope Soul please don’t make the wrong choices because ahead of you i can see disaster i can see vanhu vachikuchemera i can see a dark cloud but beyond all i can see i can see faith in you and the love inside you and above all i can see hope.

Yours Sincerely

Allan Nongwana

#DeMessenger #DearSoulMusaka #FaithLove&Hope #NdiniUyaUyaBySoulJahLuv #OneLove

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