
VIDEO: Effects of excessive masturbation including hair loss and depression

We came across a video online, quick little guide on the effects of masturbation on one’s health.

Photo by Vic Tor from Pexels 

While seen as normal sexual behaviour, in effect linked with reducing cortisol (stress hormone) through the release of dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins, improving sleep and body image, reducing pain, bettering your sex life and improving cardiovascular health, and mood.

Excessive, compulsive or chronic masturbation, which refers to at least twice a day is a problem. A normal amount is pegged at about twice a week.

Sexual Reboot sets out these risks:

Hair loss – To go bald two things need to happen. You need to be predisposed to male pattern baldness and you need an excess amount of DHT in your system. There is some correlation that supports DHT causing baldness, but it is not conclusive. That being said, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest it is true.

Persistent sexual arousal – This is that “lust ball” feeling I mentioned earlier. You’ve managed to rewire your brain to be in a heightened state of arousal. Rebooting will take care of this.

Memory and concentration problems – It’s hard to say if this is just down to masturbation or to porn use, but those that give up porn tend to find that their memory recall and concentration abilities significantly improve.

Erectile Dysfunction – While your spirit is still willing and urging you to masturbate and orgasm, your penis shows signs of suffering from exhaustion.

For a cool video explainer watch below:

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