
Mixing alcohol and energy drinks increases injuries by 20 times


Unhealthy Behaviour

So that thing where you mix your alcohol with high-caffeine energy drink. That thing? Well it increases your chances of injury by 20 times.

This is because energy drinks mask the effect of alcohol, people who mix party longer, stay out later, drunk more and increase risky behaviour. What resulted was more accidents and fights.

Researchers in Canada analyzed results of 13 prior studies.

Study lead author Audra Roemer, a graduate student with the University of Victoria in British Columbia, said people underestimated how intoxicated they felt.

So what happens generally is that after six drinks you are six times more likely to get injured. Throw in the energy drink mix and there is an exponential increase in risk.

The study appears in the March issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

With information from WebMD

PIC: Alex Boamfa via / CC BY-NC-SA

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