
Alois Bunjira’s touching story about that boy Ordinance

Former Zimbabwe international footballer Alois Bunjira shared a beautiful story on Facebook that has touched many people.

We publish it below unredacted:


This one Saturday morning I was driving to Albun Soccer Academy,up Josiah Tongogara from Westgate.It was around 8am.At the intersection of Second Street and Josiah Tongagara Ave,I was stopped by the red robot.A young boy of about 14 years old was helping his blind father,holding his hand,helping him to beg and asking for money or donations from motorists.

Alois Bunjira training kids at Albun Academy PIC: Facebook
Alois Bunjira training kids at Albun Academy PIC: Facebook

You know us people,we mostly look for coins to give to the beggers,that is if we feel like giving at all.I do usually give yes,but on that very day my first instincts,surprisingly,were not to look for coins.I peeped out through the window and checked out the young boy in front of the blind man ,as they approached my car.The stature and physique of the boy struck a code in me.and something whispered to my soul.As soon as they approached my car I called out at the boy ; “Young man,dont you play soccer?”.The young man said,”Yes I do play soccer”…”where?” ,I asked.The young man said,”I am not playing anywhere now but I used to play at school in seke,but now I am out of school”….Him and his father had now practically stopped by my car’s driver’s door .Suddenly the robot turned green and cars were hooting for me to move.I just shouted “I am coming back”.I crossed Second Street and turned into Third and another right into Chinamano…I crossed second and turned right into Mazoe..I then turned into Josiah Tongogara and approached the same robot again.I made sure the red robot stopped me.I hooted for the boy and his father to come to my car.They saw me and came.I pulled out my business card and gave to the boy.I then said, “I want you to come to Albun Soccer Academy next Saturday.Call me.My name is on that card”…

I then faced the father and said,”Mudhara please let this boy come to the academy on Saturday.I know you need help but the best way for this boy to help you and give you maximum attention is for him to make something out of himself and be able to help you in future.I have seen his physique.He looks like a good soccer player.One day he may help you in greater ways than helping you in the street.His future may be lost.Let me help”.

The old man nodded his head and said “Ok,he will come”.I then drove off.The next Saturday came,and I didnt see the boy.I didnt even see him at the robots.The following Saturday as I was driving to the Academy again, at the intersection of Herbert Chitepo and Seventh,I saw the boy with the father again,begging.I stopped and hooted for the boy and father to come.This time I was kinda shouting..”Ko sei usinakuuya kuTraining at Albun?”.The boy replied,”Ha mudhara ndakashaya mari yebhazi”…I then gave him a dollar and asked him to come the following week.During that week the boy called me.I asked him about school and he told me that he had dropped out of school in form 2.Coincidentally that following week there were soccer trials at Dewure High School in Masvingo.I already have a few boys from my academy on scholarship at the school.I then told him about the trials ,as a few of my boys were also going.The boy just said ok.The following Saturday he again didnt pitch up.My boys from Dewure were going back to school for a soccer camp and trials that coming week ,a week before schools opened.We said our goodbyes after training and I wished all the boys success in sport and academics.Remember Dewure were the Under 16 Copa Coca Cola Champions and their team was 95% from Albun Soccer Academy.

So this year they are now gunning to retain the cup and also gun for the Arenel Under 17 tournament.We bid one another goodbye.A week later,after the trials,a few days before schools opened ,my son,who is also at Dewure in the Under 16 team, came back home to collect his suitcase and groceries.That Saturday morning we drove together to Albun Soccer Academy.We got to those same robots and there they were.The boy and his father were there.As they approached my car ,the boy looked inside my car with the biggest smile when he saw my son.My son is called by my nickname when he is at school….so this boy shouts to my son,”Ah Gazza ndeipi?.Uribho?”.My son replies, “Ordie wassup?”….kķkkk..I was shocked.I wondered where the 2 knew each other from.At that very moment the robot turned green and I drove off.I then asked my son,”Where do you know this boy from?”…My son replied,”Ah ,he was at school for soccer trials and he played in my team”…..Unbelievable.I then asked my son if he was a good player and my son said yes he played well during the trials and didnt know if the boy was selected.I was just like “wow”…That Monday my son went to school as schools opened that Tuesday….
And then this Saturday morning,as I was driving to the academy,I saw the blind father again,at the same robots.But this time,he was with a different boy,a younger boy.They approached my car and I asked,”Mudhara,where is the other boy?”.The father replied,”Mhoroi…ndivaBunjira here ava?”.I replied “yes,maziva sei?”…And he said,”I recognise your voice now.My son told me your name from the business card..I want to thank you for what you did for my son.He was accepted at Dewure after the trials.Akazoenda.Uyu wandinaye uyu munin’ina wake anomutedzera.Ordinance got the scholarship and is at school right now…..”…I couldn’t contain my joy as I shouted congratulations to the man.That was one great step.Now it is the time to build that boy so that one day he will take his father off the street and help the family………I am happy for the boy from deep within.
Many thanks to Dewure High School,the sporting officials at the school and their headmaster Mr Mahwehwe for affording the boy an opportunity to make something out of his life….and of course,for what they have been doing for other youngsters over the years.May God bless them.Please take this moment to be with me and wish young Ordinance Tanaka Phiri all the best for now and for his future.He is not at my academy yet,but from next holiday I will make sure he enrols at our academy and attends training sessions, as his life takes another direction…
I believe in omens and stepping stones.God works in mysterious ways

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