
FIVE things to do this Earth Day

Friday 22 April every year is Earth Day.

Mapungubwe Landscape

This year will see the signing of the Paris Climate agreement reached in Paris in December by 160 countries. The ceremony will take place at the United Nations. Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe is among heads of state who will put pen to paper on the historic agreement.

This year the Earth Day  celebrations will focus on planting trees and the diversification from fossil energy.

Back home here are five simple things you can do for the earth today:

  1. Walk to work, cycle or use shared transport. We know that Zimbabweans are now taking to trying to use more of their own transport but sharing will just result in less emissions. Every bit counts
  2. Go paperless. If you can avoid printing avoid it. There are so many apps and cloud solutions. We can surely print less.
  3. Recycle. Whether it is using less throw-away products especially non-perishable or using reusable water bottles.
  4. Plant a tree.
  5. Buy local produce. Transporting a chicken from South Africa or Brazil to Zimbabwe means whatever mode of transport is being used will emit carbon into the atmosphere. We don’t like that.

Save the earth. It is the only one we have.

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