
Tokyo Sexwale To Run For FIFA Presidency

South Africa’s Tokyo Sexwale has announced he will run for the position of FIFA president, just two days ahead of the deadline for submission as a candidate.

Cabinet Lekgotla meeting, 5 Feb 2013
Tokyo SexwaleGovernmentZA / Foter / CC BY-ND

He will run against Jerome Champagne, Prince Ali bin al-Hussein, Michel Platini and  David Nakhid.

The election will be held on 28 February to replace currently suspended president Sepp Blatter.

This struggle stalwart and politician was imprisoned at Robben Island along with Nelson Mandela and others. He is worth USD300 million.

He has served as the Premier of Gauteng and in South Africa’s cabinet.

Sexwale will have answered a call from sectors for the next FIFA president to be from outside the game which has been dogged in recent years by revelations of rampant corruption which has resulted in suspensions, bans and prosecution of high-level officials.


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