
SA Outraged By Rape Scene School Exam Paper

South Africans have expressed their outrage over an exam paper which asked drama students to direct a rape scene.

They were asked to demonstrate how an actor could maximise the horror of the rape of a baby using a broomstick and a loaf of bread as props.

Anti-rape activists have called it sickening and students have been left shocked.

To be honest we are sickened by this, especially in a country with that high a level of rape.

Sure we can talk about art being pure and that sort of thing but students directing this sort of thing do not fully understand the horror of certain things. We are all for pushing the boundaries of imagination but what if there is a child who has been a victim of rape sitting for an exam.

It’s one thing calling in professional actor and asking him to play a part in a controlled environment and another thing to just randomly ask kids to just do something of this sort.

These are after all kids. 17 year olds.

Sure, the SA department of education can give its excuse, saying that it did not ask for students to explicitly spell out how the rape takes place.

But to direct it, you have to imagine it right?  And that’s worse.

South Africa records about 60,000 rapes a year.

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