
On Makandiwa and ‘Spiritual Airtime’

Self-proclaimed prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa has a big church. It is called the United Families International church.

He makes a lot of money and he has a lot of followers. Now he has airtime credit to his followers if they want to get in touch with him.

Now I am not much of a religious man but it does come across as a bit potty doesnt it? I mean how does it work? And for a whole lot of desperate people it feels a bit like milking the flock doesn’t it?

With a predominantly pink colour and a yellow flair at the bottom of the card, the spiritual link cards are going for US$3 for communication within the country’s borders only. But to communicate with Prophet Makandiwa when he is out of the country, one has to fork out double, US$6 for a different card.

On the front of the link cards is written: “This recharge card subscribes you to receive devotional messages for six days from the Man of God, Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.”

To be honest I am a bit offended at this whole fleecing of the masses. He has already got the whole lot of his followers giving him all sorts of gifts but then asking them to give more for a ‘priviledge’ of questionable value is a bit of an ask.

Maybe I am just not religious enough… Or blind enough

Source: The Mail (Zimbabwe)

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